So I already used something from the trip to SAS Fabrics by the Pound... and made some new curtains for the bathroom. Here's hoping that the "rain glass" behind those curtains + the sheer fabric = enough privacy. Not like anyone wants to see us performing our daily ablutions, but, you know, just in case. I love quick sewing projects. In fact, quick projects are pretty much the only ones I can stand. No cross-stitch, no knitting (sour grapes because I can't even CAST ON!), no tatting. No macrame (hee-hee, I just love thinking about macrame. What could you possibly use it for except a hanging plant holder?)
Next project is refinishing the kitchen table. And cleaning out the garage. And maybe Pergo?
looks great! love the colors and pattern! Where do you shop for fabric here? any place fun?
Hey- c'mon- macrame is cool. Or it least it was when I was in 6th grade and I made a plant holder for my Grandma.
I really like that fabric!!
Wow, SAS Fabrics - I remember many trips there with my mom. I think we found lace overlays for all the tables at my wedding reception there. (Oh no, the secret's out to my *fabulous* wedding decorations!) Nothing like that store here, but there are several fabric outlets in the area - next time you guys visit we'll have to check them out together! I just love your style!
I wish I had your ideas...and your hair....and your eyebrows.
I'm gonna go cry in the bathtub now
I love these curtains. The fabric is beautiful. You have such a good eye for what will look nice. I wish I could hire you to decorate my house. : )
And as far as macrame uses, have you ever been to the Art Institute? In the modern art section, they have what I imagine is the world's largest macrame project. It goes from the floor to the ceiling in the gallery and the ceilings are quite high. Also, I am reading "Stiff" and it sounds like some tribe or another used something like macrame for armor in war. Though, Roach did comment that it was exceedingly difficult to move in the macrame armor.....Hmmmm...
can you recommend a web site that might have some cool household items like urban outfitters, except not urban outfitters?
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